FLPL012 – Knutov Kofer – Jeste li za Ploču s Plesnom Glazbom (EN/HR)
Jeste li za Ploču s Plesnom Glazbom?
„Knutov Kofer“, bend koji je osnovao Frédéric Zwicker, švicarski glazbenik i dobitnik književne nagrade, objavio je svoj peti i dosad najluđi album – u potpunosti napisan na hrvatskom jeziku. S tekstovima koje sve do nedavno nije razumio niti jedan od članova benda. Konceptualni album privlači i spaja Švicarsku s Balkanom energičnim mixom rocka, popa i rapa. „Jeste li za ploču s plesnom glazbom?“ Da, molim!
Album je odavanje priznanja rock glazbenoj sceni na Balkanu, koju gotovo nitko u Švicarskoj ne poznaje i za koju svi misle kako bi trebala zvučati poput soundtracka za film Emira Kusturice.
Zwicker je tekstove sastavio iz knjige „1000 najvažnijih rečenica njemačko-hrvatskog“, a ideja cijelog projekta bila je glazbeno zbližavanje Švicarske i Balkana.
„Jeste li za ploču s plesnom glazbom?“, producirao je sjajni Mark Mrakovčić kojeg je bend za tu priliku doveo iz Zagreba u Švicarsku. Na albumu pjeva i pjevač punk benda „Mašinko“, Marin Šulentić, a tu su i eminentni zagrebački violinist sa svjetskom karijerom, Daniel Kuzmin te belgijska pjevačica Viola Le Compte. Poznati švicarski reper Larry F na pjesmi „Još jedan“, odrepao je naravno na hrvatskom jeziku.
Knuts Koffer is the band of Swiss musician and literature prize winner Frédéric Zwicker. Founded in 2006 and singing mostly in Swiss German, the band now released their fifth and so far craziest album – completely in Serbo-Croatian. With lyrics that none of them understood until recently. The concept album brings Switzerland and the Balkans closer together and is an energetic mix of rock, pop and rap. „Jeste li za ploču s plesnom glazbom?“ – Shall I put on a dance music record? Yes, please!
The album is a tribute to the rock music scene in the Balkans, which hardly anyone knows in Switzerland and of which everyone thinks it should sound like the soundtrack to a film by Emir Kusturica.
Zwicker has cobbled together lyrics from a booklet with the title „The 1000 most important sentences translated from German to Croatian“, which until recently nobody in the band understood. The idea of the whole project is to bring Switzerland and the Balkans a little closer together musically.
For „Jeste li za Ploču s Plesnom Glazbom?“ Knuts Koffer („Knutov Kofer“) brought producer Mark Mrakovčić from Zagreb to Switzerland as well as the singer of the punk band Mašinko, Marin Šulentić, the violinist Daniel Kuzmin and the singer Viola Le Compte from Belgium. The well known swiss Rapper Larry F is also featured on „Još Jedan“, also rapping in Croatian.
Knutov Kofer feat. Larry F – Još Jedan (Gemišt)
Knutov Kofer – Jebote
Knutov Kofer – Muškatni Oraščić
- Artist: Knutov Kofer (Knuts Koffer)
- Title: Jeste li za Ploču s Plesnom Glazbom?
- Release Date: 14.12.2018
- Cat-No.: FLPL012
- Barcode: 0714602761121
- Format: Vinyl & Digital
- Labelcode: LC 50991
- 🎵 Full Album (MP3, 108 MB)
- 🎵 Full Album (WAV, 451 MB)
- 🖼 Album-Cover (JPG)
- 📷 Bandphoto (JPG)
- Knutov-Kofer-Logo (ZIP)
- Stageplan / Tech Rider (PDF)
- Frédéric Zwicker – Lead Vocals, Guitar
- Christoph Bucher – Bass, Tuba, Backing Vocals
- Flo Vogler – Drums, Percussion, Backing Vocals
- Laura Bärlocher – Lead Vocals
- Tobias Vogler – Keys
- Frederic Zwicker: frederic_zwicker@yahoo.com
- Flo Vogler: flo@flimmerplatten.ch